Dress Code

Afghans celebrate beloved ‘Colonel Bill’

Many different countries have their own traditional attire. Afghanistan is one of them. Traditional Afghan clothing is typically made of cotton, wool, and, for the wealthy, silk. Women typically wear long dresses and headwear, almost completely covering them up. In extremely strict areas, women sometimes even have to cover their faces with veils. Their dresses are often made with vibrant colors and elaborate embroidery. Men’s clothing, on the other hand, is much simpler. Afghan men traditionally wear a type of robe and pants underneath. In addition, men wear some sort of headgear, often a pakol cap or a turban.

I chose this topic because Hosseini’s descriptions of the clothing in The Kite Runner made me curious about what the clothing actually looks like. This information helps me to understand what the characters wear, allowing me to more accurately visualize the scenes within the story.

“Traditional dress of Afghanistan.” The Lovely Planet. 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

ResoluteSupportMedia. “20091208-M-2934T-1443.” Flickr. 8 Dec. 2009. Digital Image. 21 Apr. 2016. 

2 thoughts on “Dress Code

  1. It is interesting to see how different cultures affect the clothing. Especially since their clothing is also geared towards protecting them from the sun.


  2. Seeing how different the attire is between different religions and countries is really cool. Learning about the different aspects of their religion really helps gain a better insight to the book.


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