Yogurt Dogh


Lam, Jason. Doogh salty yogurt drink . 16 September 2009. Flickr. Flickr. Web. 21 April 2016.

Jason Lam

Dogh is an yogurt based drink that’s very common in Afghanistan, Iran and other middle east countries. Its mainly served on hot summer days with or after lunch. Always served cold, having nice crisp taste, makes the drink refreshing for all dairy lovers. Also, contains salt or pepper, shaved cucumber, and ground dried mint. Furthermore, for all you crazy healthy people it provides a good source of probiotic “good bacteria” that helps both the immune and digestive system.

The main reason I researched this topic is to know what kind of drink is it. With the research I’ve found turns out to be one of the many healthiest drinks around the world. Also, it may not have hardly have any contribution to Kite Runner for it is a simple foreign drink. Maybe the author was hoping that someone (like me) would research into this and find out all the benefits to the human body.





Works Citied

rebekahgraham. “Food of the Middle East: Dogh (Afghan Yogurt Drink).” emuweavinglife.wordpress. n.p. Web. 21 April 2016.

Food of the Middle East: Dogh (Afghan Yogurt Drink)


Wuthering Heights

4632244609_80b45c9f7d_o (1)

Image: Drumm “Wuthering Heights”. Digital Image. Flickr. June 15, 2005. Web. April 14 2016


Wuthering Heights is a romantic sinister story with the main plot involving getting revenge against another family member who brutally bullied the adopted member after the death of the father. The adopted family member Heathcliff leaves his family only after many years returning rich and educated man. Using all of his resources he plans series of events that exact his revenge against his brother Hindley. Also, Heathcliff returns for his demonic love for his sister Catherine. Furthermore, the love they show even can transcend the confines of death.

I researched this topic for I was curious of what the book contributes to Kite Runner. Now I realize that the author mentions this as some sort of guilt trip for Amir. Amir gets a good career, loving wife, and perfect housing since living in America. But Amir cheated his friend Hassan out of all that for he never helped him in his recovery after his brutal rape by the bully Assef. In a sense Amir is plagued with his horrible past for it always catches up to him. In a sense the book only reminded Amir of what Hassan was cheated out of when he framed his only true friend.









Works cited

“Wuthering Heights.” Goodreads. Goodread, n.d. Web. 13 April 2016.

Melani, Lilia. The Nineteenth Century English Novel. Brooklyn College, n.d. Web. 14  April 2016




Chapan is a coat worn for special occasions or celebrations. Consisting of many silk threads, some dyed with bright colors, making intricate designs with great beauty. Only the rich can afford the intricate designs so regular people use the traditional gray silk chapan. In addition, the size is quite large for it goes past the knees which makes people think its some kind of robe. Furthermore the sleeves are cut short and widen, drooping by a couple of inches. Finally, only men can wear this clothing for its a sign of dignity.

The main reason for research of “chapan” is to know the main use in the culture. What I’ve learned its frowned upon if the man doesn’t wear it for their birthday. Mainly it defines them for who they are and represent. Coming from a rich family Amir wears it for his birthday where he’s reminded of the terrible event with Hassan. He feel terrible and is disgusted to the fact of the gift he received from the bully.






“Coat (chapan)” DMA.Web DMA.Web n.p. n.d. Web. 11 April 2016

“Afghanistan Clothing” afghanistan-culture.Web n.p. n.d. Web 11 April 2016





Naan is a Indian dish that has become popular in many countries. Mainly served with hummus or some kind of spread like jelly. It was the discovered back in the 1780’s by William Tooke. Commonly mixed up with scones for their texture and how its grilled on a pan. The process of making naan takes up to ninety minutes. Its similar to making bread since the dough needs to rise and constantly adding flour on the dough. Only difference is it requires four tablespoons of plain yogurt.

The two main reasons that I investigated the word naan for not knowing and wanted to know more of the culture’s cuisine. When gathering all this information takes me back when I went to a cultural food gathering nine years ago in Wichita. There I tried my first hundred year old duck egg which was horrid, squeezed horned melon juice, and peppered almonds. With connections I made gives me a better understanding of the culture in Kite Runner along with Hassan and Ali’s traditions.

Sifton, Sam. “Meera Sodha’s Naan.” New York Times 2015. print.

“Naan Bread History And Facts.” Irrawsistible. Irrawsistible , 4 April 2014. Web. 6 April 2015.


Memory Jigsaw

“Don’t try. It’ll come when we need it. All of us have photographic memories but spend a lifetime learning how to block off the things that are really in there. Simmons here has worked on it for twenty years and now we’ve got the method down to where we can recall anything that’s been read once would you like, someday, montag, to read Plato’s Republic.”

In Fahrenheit 451 society books are banned from society. If people were to read, keep, or even give out books punishment would mean imprisonment or be chased the Hound if on the run from the authorities. People like Granger who still have the love of knowledge go the extremes to memorizing with photographic memory every book they encounter and burn them later leaving no evidence of any books. According the article  Is photographic memory real? If so, how does it work? states that this process is faulty. The fault is memory is more of a jigsaw puzzle than a actual picture. With the given example to prove that a person claiming they have this “photographic memory” have them read two-three lines from anything, after that have them recite the text backwards. Forewarn the person will have minimal chance to complete this little experiment. People can remember little things of the past but not the whole picture. Not saying memory isn’t totally bad for it gives a great advantage to remember the main points that they can recollect to their memory. So it makes it possible for generations to become whatever professional job that requires basic recollection of memory with great skill.

Society for Neuroscience. “Is photographic memory real? If so, how does it work? ” LePort AK, Mattfeld AT, Dickinson-Anson H, Fallon JH, Stark CE. BrainFacts.Org.,17 April  2013. Web. 17 April 2013.

Granger like many people in this world try many techniques to try remembering the best things in books or in life since it’s slowly withering away. It’s impossible to try to just rely on owns memory in hopes of keeping history alive in this dreaded Fahrenheit 451 society. Books are the journals that people write for future generations in hopes of being remembered after long passed away. They will not deteriorate, lose certain events, or being pressed for time for they are always eternal. It’s important to use memory to remember things in life for it’s the tool that helps human being to push forward on a new age. Let the books keep all the excess information for they will always be there, ready to be read by the younger generations.

image by Liza



“Anyway, Pete and I always said no tears, nothing like that. It’s our third marriage each and we’re independent. Be independent, we always said. He said, if I get killed off, you just go right ahead and don’t cry but get married again, and don’t think of me.” P97 Mrs. Phelps

In Fahrenheit 451 society they live life as though everything has no purpose. For example they treat marriage as a joke which is never taken seriously. Mrs. Phelps makes a quote about how her husband said if he dies, to forget about him, instead just remarry to a different man. That would be nice if he was telling her don’t linger on the past just press forward to the future. In this case there is no emotion whatsoever making it a common action in daily practices. According to the song When I Said I Do by Clint Black being married is demonstrated as a close bond between the couple. He gives his personal experience of being married along with the beginning ceremony at the wedding. Further he states there will be some good and the bad times but always support the other spouse through these challenges. A couple will be eternally together throughout time meaning nothing will tear them apart comparable to the vows “till death do us part”. This is the true meaning of being wedded happily together for the rest of their life’s.


Mrs. Phelps never truly understood what it means to be married since growing up in Fahrenheit 451 society. It’s assumed that marriage is a thing that has to be done and it doesn’t matter who you marry to complete this task. People go on dates, social media, even sometimes they accidentally bumping into each other. The process for most takes years to accomplish for theirs no identity of who is their life long partner. All that’s for certain is they will be happy and forever loving to one for all eternity.

Image by Jason Corey

Books Life Cylce

f4772546349_9b9cbfe903_o“You can’t guarantee things like that! After all, when we had all the books we needed, we still insisted on finding the highest cliff to jump off. But we do need a breather. We do need knowledge. And perhaps in a thousand years we might pick smaller cliffs to jump off. The books are to remind us what assets and fools we are. They’re Caesar’s praetorian guard, whispering as the parade roars down the avenue, ‘Remember, Caesar, thou art mortal.’ Most of us can’t rush around, talk to everyone, know all the cities of the world, we haven’t time, money, or that many friends. The things you’re looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine percent of them is in a book. Don’t ask for guarantees. And don’t look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore” Pg 88

In reading Faber’s quote he talks on about how knowledge is only expanded when the person learns by absorbing information from other sources than relying on one in particular resource. After reading this quote I found this article called How knowledge helps you taking in new information the most peculiar when talking about this subject. It reaffirms Faber’s statement by stating mankind has a ¨cognitive edge¨ to process and store that information obtained through reading. To the contrary it gives an example with this short text “John’s face fell as he looked down at his protruding belly. The invitation specified ‘black tie’ and he hadn’t worn his tux since his own wedding, 20 years earlier.” This demonstrates how the person can fill in the blanks even without the precise details. Readers can fill in details about why he hasn’t worn his suit or why his belly is protruding from the suit. This helps them in future studies where the reader can relay information they already learned in help them to understand the new topic. Moreover the process of studying books will be the only way a person will fully comprehend the other new subjects given to them.

The Fahrenheit 451 society where Faber lives in is a world devoid of books and the capabilities of obtaining knowledge. People in the world are given information but if it’s deemed suitable to the society. In addition they tend to manipulate the knowledge to that people don’t question their authority. Thus making it impossible for people to try reading with no comprehension of the meanings hidden inside it. Today society is able to have books and obtain knowledge. They have the capability to grow with the past knowledge they learned and relay the new information to new readings.

Image by Jay Cross flickr


One Decision Can Change Your Life

7471223692_e35a851b52_z“Sometimes I’m ancient. I’m afraid of children my age. They kill each other. Did it always use to be that way? My uncle says no. Six of my friends have been shot in the last year alone. Ten of them died in car wrecks. I’m afraid of them and they don’t like me because I’m afraid. My uncle says his grandfather remembered when children didn’t kill each other. But that was a long time ago when they had things different. They believed in responsibility, my uncle says. Do you know, I’m responsible. I was spanked when I needed it, years ago. And I do all the shopping and housecleaning by hand.” Pg 28

Lee, Jessica. “Teen in Lakewood crashes stolen car, killing 10-year-old friend” Seattle Times 9 November 2015 reedited ed. print

Clarisse’s quote inspires the idea they used to be a world with nonexistent murderous irresponsible teenagers before Fahrenheit 451 society. However this Seattle Times article has renounce this quote of its falsehood. The article describes a crime report involving a car crash which was stolen by teenagers. Jessica Lee, the author of the article, reports the effects of the car crash resulted in one of the teenager’s death. There were four in total involved and two of suspects tried to run and hide from the scene of the crime. Compared to the quote society has gone downhill in terms of non murderous teens. Our society is more on the edge of becoming like Fahrenheit 451 society then it is preventing it. Consequently the cause of this is from the wars, movements, and political issues of the world. Teens are constantly being manipulated into thinking which way of life is better. The life of making peace or causing more problems for others to satisfy their desires.

Clarisse and Jessica have very different viewpoints. Should society try to become like the world Clarisse has dreamed of with no existing teen violence. On the other hand should society keep going downhill becoming like Fahrenheit 451 as shown by Jessica. Time has yet to tell what will occur but will it be best for the teens around the world.


North Korea Outrage Over Textbook

“Luckily, queer ones like her don’t happen often. We know how to nip most of them in the bud, early. You can’t build a house without nails and wood. If you don’t want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, topheavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag.” Said by Beatty pp. 64


Kirk, Donald. “A textbook war divides South Korea” Los Angeles Times 22 October 2015: Website


The ideal of Beatty quote about no controversy of censorship has been implemented in Fahrenheit 451 society. I recently read in Los Angeles Times, Donald Kirk discusses the heated debate on textbooks that make both North and South Korea seems as there is no communication between the neighboring countries. North Korea see this a demonizing their country since the “correct history textbook” only talks about the negative events cause by them. But South Korea agrees with this textbook since it helps the future generations know the history of the world. Donald reports that the situation will also effect on what will be taught in Korean schools. The south agrees with this in order to help their generations understand the dangers that may confront them in the future. This controversy doesn’t only focus on the two Koreas but also the United states. What should be taught in U.S schools as they’ve have taught on Native Americans and the Civil War. For Koreans this issue has been going on for 65 years and is still a sensitive issue to discuss even with the whole world.

If looked at closely Kirk and Beatty seemed to have the same concepts. Such as issues where people are still worrying about events that are since long passed. It’s important in society to forget ones pride, just admit this happen, and just accept the fact it’s written down in history. The issue arises should controversy of history should be debated then just accepted with no respect for the people involved within it.

Image: Photo taken by John Palveka


Today in present time the bible says that sins can be firgiven.In relating with the book Hester Prynne needs to be forgiven for some of the sins she commented through the story. One of these is the sin of her having a child out of wedlock. How is a woman suppose to move on from her husband that she thought surely had perished on his journey. So she reconciled with the minister Dimmesdale which blossomed into something almost magical in a sense. Thus getting together and having a child. But society doesn’t agree with that so they punish Hester while Dimmesdale cowers in the shadows. Another sin that needs to be forgiven is deceiving the whole Puritan community of the identity of the father. Hester doesn’t deserve punishment for protecting someone she loves with her heart. It doesn’t help that Dimmesdale is a coward. If Hester did told the community if the identity of the father he would’ve faced worst punishment than Hester herself. In today’s society it would’ve been passed as a every day occurrence. Imagine if the world still followed the traditions of old. 

Image source: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en