Modest is Hottest

A burqa is a traditional covering worn by some Islamic women in public settings. Not even the eyes can be seen that well because of the netted cloth that covers the eyes. The different colors of the burqa’s are significant to the area of Afghanistan the women live. The blue color, as shown, is for the area of Kabul. A white colored one is from the north, while, brown and green ones are from the south. The Islamic faith does not require a covering for women but Muslims believe they must remain modest in public just as Muhammad did. However, due to the fear terrorism coverings, such as, the burqa, are being banned. The whole country of Switzerland has banned them from public places as a mean of “public safety.” Others are calling it discrimination.


[Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons by Davric

In the novel The Kite Runner Amir and Baba escape from Afghanistan because of the conflicts with the soviets, however, when Amir must return to Afghanistan the soviets are gone but there are still conflicts with the Taliban. The Taliban did not just make life horrible, they also forced religion on to people. All women were forced to wear burqa’s no matter how they felt about them. This is important information in understanding the text because it just adds to the horribleness of the Taliban. I chose this topic to research because I was curious to understand the reasons for wearing coverings and the differences between a burqa and a traditional head covering. Another interesting aspect that only peaked my interest was the fact that they are being banned in some countries around the world. It’s up to each person to decide of it’s discrimination or a preventative measure.

Works Cited:

“Burqa.” Wikipedia. N.p.: Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Apr. 2016. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

Newton, Jennifer. “Women Wearing a Burqa Will Be Fined £6, 500 in Swiss Region.” Daily Mail 25 Nov. 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

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